Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969)
The witty exploits of two lovable outlaws who go on the lam in South America.
Cars (2006)
A rookie racing car learns humility and down-home values in a rusty old town as Pixar's CGI animators wipe away a tear.
Cars 3 (2017)
Will Lightning McQueen retain pole position as the young bloods race to take him down? Has new technology made the old hometown garage a sentimental memory?
Message In A Bottle (1999)
A bottle on the beach sparks romance.
Road To Perdition (2002)
Tom Hanks is a hitman for the Chicago mob in 1931, who goes on the run with his 12-year-old son.
The Sting (1973)
Paul Newman and Robert Redford are itinerant con men during The Depression.
Tell Them Who You Are (2004)
Acclaimed cinematographer Haskell Wexler is the subject of his son Mark’s documentary focussing on their complex relationship and his father’s illustrious career.
Twilight (1998)
A washed-up private eye gets dragged into a murder mystery by an old friend.

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Bonello, the time traveller France’s maverick on sci-fi, loneliness, music and working with Léa Seydoux

Secrets through the smoke Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash on code-switching and capturing the unsaid in Sauna Day

The weight of the past Muayad Alayan and Sheherazade Farrell on Palestinian experiences and A House In Jerusalem

Cousins and Swinton take a bow at Karlovy Vary World premiere of documentary about pioneering woman artist

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